Our Mission
This website is an extension of the STEM Education Garden.
The “Next Generation” Education STEM Garden” is an innovative program that bridges the generation gap between Senior citizens and the youth.
As our programs grow, we research STEM equipment resources, curricula, and funding sources.
Our vision is to share these resources with the homeschool community and other STEM initiatives.
STEM for Homeschool provides free projects, grant information, and a STEM store that features products we recommend.

Free STEM Projects
Free Projects are listed below. Simply Use Slider Bar to move down and all view projects
Take advantage of this FREE Library of STEM experiments.
Funding Sources for STEM Programs and Teachers
Federal Sources
Granting Hope To Homeschool Families In Need
HSLDA Compassion Grants help homeschool families continue homeschooling through difficult times.
Texas State Sources
Corporate Sources
McCormick Foundation Education Program
Need More Funding Information?Would you like to receive more imformatiom about grants and funding as we discover them. Please join our mailing list.
Our Product Research

You have to kiss a lot of Frogs to find the right STEM products. WHY? Because toy companies market their products under the guise of being STEM. We know … we are doing the research. You will find our recommended products in our STEM store. Check it out.
How to Buy STEM Products for Homeschool Use
Director’s Note: It is crazy out there in Google land. When you type “STEM” into the search bar it returns a “dizzying” array of information. It is not Google’s fault. Someone forgot to tell it that there are different types of STEM products categories. Below you will find the categories we search to find supplies and ideas.
STEM Subscriptions
STEM subscription services or “Science Clubs” are programs that provide 5 to 8 hands-on experiments and challenges in a kit that is shipped to you each month.
Lesson Plans and Cirricula
Every STEM homeschool needs standard school supplies. Also, we often need to replace items in our STEM kits or resupply our STEM projects. Here is access to discounted school supplies.
STEM Kits eliminates the mad scramble to assemble supplies for a homeschool project. STEM kits provide everything is in one place. The come in many varieties and topics.
Homeschool Supplies
Every STEM homeschool needs standard school supplies. Also, we often need to replace items in our STEM kits or resupply our STEM projects. You will find discounted school suplies on this website.
STEM Equipment, Toys, and Apparatus
STEM equipment, toys, and apparatus support projects that pertain to the STEM core curriculum which is science, technology, engineering and math.
STEAM Equipment, Toys, and Apparatus
STEAM extends the STEM core cirriculmn (science, technology, engineering and math). “STEAM” expands the learning topics to include language arts, dance, drama, music, and visual arts.
Let's Touch Base
Director: Jeanee Smiles
Telephone: (214) 725-5388
Email: : stemgardeninfo@gmail.com
We would love to hear from you.